Why have I become obsessed with feathers? Why am I seeing them everywhere at the moment?
It all began with the installation PERSEPHONE’S BED AUTUMN as I saw moulted feathers everywhere as I was creating this piece-I collected them and popped them in a jar-they came out for the installation and then were put in a cupboard and forgotten about.
A couple of weeks a go I decided to make some paper feathers having seen them in Landscape Magazine which I love (or maybe did but thats another story…and its not about the contents…) and then made more and more and more-something was delighting me about making feathers…then I saw them everywhere I went both natural feathers and products with feathers on and paintings and a door stop….etc….etc They were everywhere so I decided to add them to PERSEPHONES BED SPRING -I had added some to the SYMPHONY OF SPRING painting created as part of my residency at Ferry Meadows Country Park Peterborough so it seemed a logical step. I have also bought a gorgeous hairlip with feathers-I just adore it when I look at it as it makes me smile..etsy..Vera Black…have a look….
Then as I love stories I decided to look up the meaning of feathers in our life so I hope you enjoy my little writings about feathers….
Feathers have a unique energy and voice that can guide you to a space where you rise above the troubles you have here on earth. Their lightness gives you the strength to rise above the worries you have to a new place of lightness in your body and spirit where you can let go of stress and the issues that weigh you down.They are symbolic of the rising above the human drama that many create in their lives. Symbols have no baggage unlike words that can limit your belief in what you are able to do.
When feeling heavy or sad, imagine a feather and ask yourself “how can I be lighter in my life?, What do I need to do to be lighter in my thoughts and the way that I live? Believe that you can live with a lightness of purpose and the feather can help you as a symbol achieve that. Feathers also help us to reconnect to the essence of our own unique energies that we bring to the party. Birds and the feather are believed by many cultures to be be connected to the heavens and celestial life as they rise into the skies towards heaven. They can symbolise a lifting of prayer and messages to the gods and can bring messages back to earth.
Feathers can also help you see the truth of your life, rising above the everyday drama that drag up down and stop us being the best that we can be.
How beautiful for something we all see so much as we go about our everyday lives. I painted feathers this Saturday at Art in the Heart Peterborough on a globe symbolising the freedom of the world in these troubled times that will give enlightenment and energies to those working for peace in the world at this time.The smiles of those seeing me do this also lightened their world just a little… This globe was part of my installation PERSEPHONES BED SPRING…..
More of my work can be seen at charronpugsleyhill.com