The environment and being green has been important to me for as long as I can remember. Having been a professional wildlife conservationist and environmentalist for nearly 20 years before I became a professional artist I have to say that I have considered my impact on the environment for a long time and before it became a mainstream activity. But there is always more that can be done as our personal activities change and new technologies change the way we live and work.
I have recently joined a national scheme run by Peterborough Environment City Trust called Investors in the Environment or IIE. This accreditation scheme encourages businesses to look at their impact on the environment and put actions in place to reduce that impact wherever possible. It included the use of electricity, gas and electricity as well as impacts such as waste management and travel impacts. I have also thought to include the wildlife gardens around my studio as this may encourage others to consider making their surroundings beautiful as well as being good at supporting our natural wildlife.
There are good financial savings to be made by reducing your impact on the environment and also its just the right thing to consider this amazing planet in all that we do as we go about our business activities. As part of my work I have also introduced a project OUR BEAUTIFUL WORLD where I will be working with other organisations and places to get environmental messages to a wider audience. This will be done through my environmental background as well as my role as an artist in connecting people to the natural world whilst showing nature in a different way to different people whilst engaging them with it.
I am looking for corporate partners to get involved with this project which will help with your community and social responsibility targets as well as helping towards your accreditation goals. By getting involved with such projects you are making making a difference to other people who are engaged with these projects as well as making a difference to this beautiful world in which we all live! There could also be some great experiences for you and your staff working with an international artist.Please get in touch if you would like to talk about your possible involvement in this work!
I would encourage all businesses to consider signing up to IIE whether you are big or small. Support is strong to get you to your goals and assist with the knowledge you may need. A strong network of other businesses who have achieved accreditation or are working towards it is also available to call on if needed.
So get in touch with PECT based in Peterborough or myself and I will put you in touch!