Commemorating Significant Events Places and People from World War I -Charron Pugsley-Hill

I have described in another blog the paintings that I created in 2014 to commemorate 1914. I hope that you have found these paintings interesting, emotional and informative. I and others believe they are important as traditionally war art is very dark and horrific to many who cannot then listen to the stories that they represent.. My work however touches other people who might never be interested in WWI otherwise and makes them think about different aspects of the war. Those interested in traditional war art have also been fascinated by what I have created.

In 2105 I want to continue this series of work to commemorate events,places and people of 1915.


Significant events in 2015 include the following and these are the events/places I will focus on:

19/20 January-first Zeppelin raid on the British mainland-Kings Lynn,Yarmouth and Sheringham.

22nd April-second battle of Ypres and the first use of poison gas

24th April-the authorities of the Ottoman empire began the Armenian holocaust where 1-1.5 million people died-one of the first modern genocides

25th April Allies invaded Gallipoli In Turkey-Anzac Day

7th May the Lusitania was sunk and this influenced the Americans to join the war

25th September-At the battle of Loos the British used poison gas

12th October Nurse Edith Cavell was executed for helping allied POWs to escape

On the 9th July 2015 at the Menin Gate in Belgium there will be the 30,000th playing of the last post-this is a daily ceremony commemorating those who died in WWI.IMG_2092 about2

I am currently looking for sponsorship to enable me to continue with this work in 2105. This sponsorship would be spent on the following: accommodation in Belgium and Gallipoli to enable me to paint on the ground where the war was fought-this is to pick up the energies from the land where the fighting and events occurred. Visiting museums, cemeteries and other relevant sites for inspiration and research into the stories around these events, Materials such as paints,  canvas, a new sturdy outdoor easel and brushes.My time, Travel, fees, Printing and postage and promotional materials including leaflets. A short film will be produced to record progress in 2015 as well as tell the story of the project so far. I would  also love to produce a book detailing the project with photographs if I can raise enough  money to do that as well!The more that I can raise the more work that I can complete!

I will  be posting regular updates and blogs as I work on the project.If you would like to see more of my work and my blog please go to my website where you can also join me on FACEBOOK  and TWITTER (@CHARRONPUGSLEYH)  for regular updates on the work for this project!

Please please share this project with friends,family and other who you think may be interested in this subject. Part of my passion is to share my work with as many people as possible.Please ask any questions that you have and  Thank you so much for sharing!

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