A Giclee Flower and Rainbow Print of the Original Painting RAINBOW BRINGS HOPE IN THE STORM


A bright Giclee flower print of the  original rainbow painting A RAINBOW GIVES HOPE IN THE STORM. Created with love and hope during the Corona Virus pandemic lockdown.


1 in stock (can be backordered)


A bright Giclee flower print of the  original rainbow painting A RAINBOW GIVES HOPE IN THE STORM. Created with love and hope during the Corona Virus pandemic lockdown.


My inspiration for the painting has come from the beautiful flowers of spring in my garden, at Barnsdale Gardens in Rutland (that I visit and work at regularly) and from the flowers seen on my wanders during the beginning of the UK Corona virus lockdown. The rainbow in England has become a symbol of hope hung in many windows as well as a symbol that thanks all those caring for the ill during the pandemic storm.

Significantly for me, rainbows are seen after or during a storm when the sun breaks through the clouds and that beautiful things often follow the darkest storms. So we can learn from the darkest of days and that we will find brightness during and after the storm. A rainbow gives us hope, happiness and peace as it sparkles in the sky. Nobody ever sees a rainbow the same- in the same way or from the same place. value the storm and the lessons it brings and love the rainbow for you are coming through the storm.

The colours of the rainbow all have different meanings: Violet is thought to be the most spiritual of colours, Indigo shows infinity, Blue is peace and understanding, Green is growth and balance, Yellow brings wisdom and clear though, Orange is creativity and play and finally red gives us energy and enthusiasm.

“Before we had airplanes and astronauts, we really thought that there was an actual place beyond the clouds, somewhere over the rainbow. There was an actual place, and we could go above the clouds and find it there.” -Barbara Walters

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cards available.

The original painting is  still available to buy. Please enquire for details.


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