Are you looking for a bit of support with your mental well-being? Are you feeling a bit low? Needing a bit of help and inspiration to feel happier and more motivated? Feeling a bit stuck? Want to have some fun? Not feeling very creative but would like to have a go?
The Green Butterfly Circle will be a small fun group run online working on your own creative art and craft projects for 6 weeks beginning in February to:
Boost your mental well-being now and for life
Create with others in a supportive, motivating, group environment making new friends
Be supported and guided by a professional mental health therapist and artist

What is included?
An individual hour with Charron to talk one to one in confidence about your mental health, about how the brain works using modern neuroscience and how the course will work for you to boost your mental health and how you can use the techniques outside the course for life.
6 weeks of weekly 2 hour sessions creating your own art and craft projects. Maximum of 6 participants giving plenty of time for everyone to participate. Each weekly session will be gently focusing on moving your mental well-being forwards using modern neuroscience techniques and will finish with a relaxation session. There will be time to chat about the projects you are creating, share and learn from and be inspired by others in the group. The group mind is more powerful than an individual mind. The emphasis will be on positive thoughts, actions and interactions to feel happier, at peace and in a good mental health place. Bring a cuppa, cake (other snacks are available) and a smile to enjoy time with others in a safe space online.
This is a gentle introduction to taking action to feel more positive and grow both creatively and as an individual moving forwards in your life. This course is a cost effective way to experience and learn modern neuroscience techniques that boost our mental health for life whilst using creative processes to help our mindset grow and benefit.

Artist and Therapist Charron Pugsley-Hill has been leading popular and successful workshops since 2014. Her ‘Confidence with Creativity’ Workshops have helped many creatives think about themselves and their art in a different way enabling them to create art they thought they never would be able to. She worked previously for 20 years as a professional wildlife conservationist and was involved in work showing the benefits of nature to our physical and mental health. Charron is an experienced Solution Focused Hypnotherapist having helped many clients with their mental health over a number of years before deciding now to combine all her skills in this course.

You can see more referrals for Charron and her work on her Facebook pages and her website.
The cost for the course is £250 paid either in full before the course begins or in 2 instalments-the first of £150 paid before the course and the second of £100 paid before the 4th week of the course. If you wish to pay in 2 instalments then please contact me directly to set this up.
The plan is to speak to participants to arrange the best time for all taking part. This may be an afternoon or evening. Participants provide their own materials for their own projects. Charron can discuss projects in your individual sessions if required.
If you have any questions then please feel free to contact Charron on 07966208282 or text her and she will get back to you as soon as she can.
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