

      This week in my Peterborough studio has been a bit crazy since THE BLANKET OF POPPIES hit the press-I sent out a press release to 4 places of which 3 took the story and then it made BBC NEWS ONLINE. This was fabulous as it meant that I have been contacted by […]

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Expressive Creative Painting

Being a Green Artist!

The environment and being green has been important to me for as long as I can remember. Having been a professional wildlife conservationist and environmentalist for nearly 20 years before I became a professional artist I have to say that I have considered my impact on the environment for a long time and before it […]

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Visiting Flanders Battlefields -Stay at Varlet Farm by Peterborough Artist Charron Pugsley-Hill

Now lets be clear this is an independent genuine review and I have not been paid for this blog. I have recently been back in Belgium this time working on my art series commemorating significant events people and places from WWI a hundred years on. We stayed at Varlet Farm(named by British Soldiers in WWI) […]

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CHARRON PUGSLEY-HILL An artist from Peterborough who does not draw!

Honestly I am rubbish at drawing-really rubbish! I was quite good at scientific diagrams when I did my science degree and into my professional career as a wildlife conservationist but when I became an artist everyone assumed I could draw and they don’t believe you when you say you can’t and you won’t and you […]

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IN FLANDERS FIELDS TODAY-Original painting by Peterborough Artist Charron Pugsley-Hill

As part of the series of work that I am creating on significant places,events and people a hundred years on from WWI, I have this week been staying on Varlet Farm near Ypres to create a painting inspired by the poem In Flanders Fields today by John McCrae. This poem was brought to my attention […]

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The Wedding Day and Special Event Artist-Charron Pugsley-Hill

Would you think I was crazy if I said I go to  weddings but not as a guest but as an artist? Yes actually painting on the day at the wedding! And  I have painted amongst others HARVEST GOLD inspired by a huge award winning event HARVEST in Peterborough Cathedral square where harvest was celebrated […]

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Beautiful weather always helps for a festival but  if theres nothing of substance about the festival the weather becomes irrelevant. And this was in my opinion was the best ever Green Festival in Peterborough since it began too many years ago for me to remember. I was there  to create the second version of FLORALIA, […]

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Commemorating WWI in Art-Edith Cavell-The Blanket of Poppies

If you have never heard of Edith Cavell before then thats all about to change! 2015 is a hundred years since she was executed in 1915 in Brussels during the First World War for helping allied soldiers to escape the german occupation and the consequences that capture would have brought upon them. As part of […]

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AND THEY MARCHED TO HILL 971-GALLIPOLI 1915-Original Painting by Peterborough Artist Charron Pugsley-Hill

“AND THEY MARCHED TO HILL 971-GALLIPOLI-1915” Acrylics, metallics and fine glitters on canvas 61 x 45 cm The Gallipoli Campaign was one of the Allies greatest disasters in World War I. The land invasion started at dawn on 25th April 1915 and ended on the 9th January 1916. The campaign was one of the greatest […]

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Commissioning or Having Art made Especially for You by Artist Charron Pugsley-Hill

Have you ever thought about a special one-off made especially for you piece of art? Perhaps its an idea in your mind, somewhere you love, your garden or your favourite flower? Perhaps you love a painting of mine that you have seen but it’s sold? Perhaps you want something smaller or bigger or you have […]

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