So what is art? Does it matter that we know exactly what art is? We may know that it includes visual arts(painting etc), films and theatre and other forms of art. But does it matter if we know? I would argue that actually it doesn’t matter. For too long art in its many forms has often been very exclusive and confusing and therefore not engaging the very people who would benefit most from it. We need to be encouraging about experiencing all forms of art to all sections of the community and we need to give opportunities for this to happen where people are and not expect the disengaged to want to enter a cold frightening art gallery-I found these scary too before I became a professional artist. They weren’t a place for me.
My work connects people and nature with stories and messages about the natural world. It is for everyone as I strongly believe that everyone can benefit from art in their life. Choose art that makes you feel. You have your own story when you connect with a painting or a play-the artists story is only a part!
A beautiful painting can make us feel that life can be better than it is right now for us. We look at the image and see the beautiful side of life that can give us hope that all the bad things will disappear and we will build a life full of peace and beauty. Nothing wrong with that!
A painting can also record life that we may not really see and give it value by making us really see it, in all its glory or ugliness. It shows us some silliness about the human world that we may not recognise in the daily grind of life.
Imagine a world without art. Even if you say-I am not into art-you cannot help but be surrounded by it as we live our daily lives. It has a huge value in acknowledging our emotions whether pain or happiness and can help express our emotions as a natural part of life in the ups and downs we all experience. Art can connect you to other people, our emotions, our natural world and with our daily life. When we are moved in whatever way by art, we receive emotions that we may actually need in ourself and not recognise them as well as giving us energy and spirituality in what we are doing.
Art is for delighting, for making us question things we see or do, it makes us think and do things differently whilst it records our life and thoughts from a moment in time, it confuses us so that we want to find out more as it makes our heart and soul sing and dance, and lastly it brings beauty to our homes and offices so we are filled with joy and wonder!
Unless of course we choose bland, insipid “art” that is nice and only decorates a blank wall……Be great to hear your thoughts about what art is for you?
If you like vibrant, colourful art then have a look at my original paintings and prints and bring some energy and wow factor into your home or office!