THE TREE OF LIFE-A Limited Edition Print


A Limited Edition Tree Print of the  original painting of The Tree of Life. Trees are so important in the circle of life producing oxygen and soaking up Carbon Dioxide. A Gorgeous colourful tree in many multi-colours.

Available on back-order


A Limited Edition Tree Print of the  original painting of The Tree of Life. Trees are so important in the circle of life producing oxygen and soaking up Carbon Dioxide. A Gorgeous colourful tree in many multi-colours.

My inspiration for this painting

Looking at this painting you will be captivated by the bright vivid colours that will delight your eyes and your heart. You can feel the energy and the heart-centred love with which this painting has been created that will stir your emotions and inspire you. You will experience the beauty of the metallics and glitters that sparkle and shine to brighten your day.If you love trees then this painting is for you.

Trees are the silent lungs of the world,
Life and energy giving to all,
Majestic and proud reaching to the sky,
Cathedral branches of graceful boughs
leaves rustle in the gentle breeze
Birds singing their stories aloud,
ancient and sapling a family bond,
through the ages, places and cultures,
the forest, a wood, a copse, one tree
each should be valued and loved
for all they give and for all they are.


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