2016-Be the Authentic YOU!

Every new year millions of people make millions of resolutions or promises to themselves that they will stop smoking, loose weight, be happier, be fitter, do more things, do less things  or whatever it is that they feel would be a great thing to vow to do in the 365 days ahead of the new year! Most of these are a total waste of time! Be honest how many resolutions have you stuck to for more than a couple of weeks? So is there a point to them?IMG_0859

No not in my book as all they do is cause grief and guilt for most who in their eyes see failure as their promises disappear down the toilet or up in smoke! You get my meaning!

When I was thinking about resolutions-and yes I have been there and done that and made the film and NO MORE! I do not want to fail any more making trite promises to myself that actually I could do every other day of the year.IMG_7753

A few years ago I promised myself that I would live an authentic life for myself whilst taking into account my family commitments. Its about living a life of meaning and purpose which to be honest I have always had unthinkingly through my previous work as a professional wildlife conservationist, my charity work and my family. However when I completely unintentionally became an artist i began to challenge some of my previous beliefs and ethics which continued with a tragic death of a close family member over 3 years ago. The trauma around this death in particular challenged many of my beliefs and ethics and i struggled for a while to put purpose for myself back in my life beyond getting through it all for my family. painting and art helped me when times were at their toughest  and through my art journey I have learnt so much about my strength, my spirituality and my continued passion for the natural world.


Being authentic to mean is all about listening to my heart and my true inner beliefs towards the people in my life and to this world in which we live.Its about creating happiness not just for myself but the others who touch my life in a small or deeper moment. It takes a lot of hard work and courage finding out who your true self is and what you want to achieve with your life! Its about daring to be happy despite the troubled world in which we may live and those around us who challenge why we should be happy with what we have and do. Its about making the most of every day that you are on this beautiful planet of ours,having strong relationships with family, your children, husband, friends and others.



Being authentic means coming from a real place from within yourself. Finding what is real for you and that it will be different for others and thats FINE! And that can be difficult for many-choosing to opt out of where they have been and moving to a new place that may mean leaving people and things behind who have no place where you are going!



Photograph-Leah Barfield Photography


Its about continually learning, looking, finding and changing. Facing our doubts and fears.Reaching inside ourselves to find what makes our heart soar and where we can find freedom for our spirit as we move through life!



This amazing poncho was commissioned especially for me as a christmas present from my husband-Not many people would wear it-in fact a friend said she didn’t know anyone else who could pull it off- but I love it-its all colour, flowers and made especially for me-a little example of being authentic-I love it and it makes me feel great!

In short your life matters! Choose to make it matter!To you and others! Take that step to find the authentic you and free yourself from the crowd!!


Good luck!


For more on Charron Pugsley-Hill and her art please  go to www.charonpugsleyhill.com

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Creativity with furniture-How to Up-cycle or decoupage your Furniture-Peterborough Artist Charron Pugsley-Hill

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