The Creative Person
Reasons Why Painting, Crocheting, Cake Making and being Creative are Great for our Mental Health.
Let’s begin by explaining what we mean by being creative because most people think it means creating art or dance or a poem and thats part of it but it’s not the whole story. Creativity is broadly defined actually as: the ability to generate ideas, or see alternatives, or possibilities that could be useful in […]
FLOWERS ALL TOGETHER HAPPY IN THEIR MEADOW A new original mural by Artist Charron Pugsley-Hill
FLOWERS ALL TOGETHER HAPPY IN THEIR MEADOW my latest original painting but with a bit of a lovely difference. Its a Mural commissioned by Diaspora Arts and Education Charity- concept Art against Racism. “In response to rising racism, particularly abhorrent graffiti targeting Peterborough’s diverse communities, we are a collective using the arts to promote unity […]
What is Happiness and Can We Get More of the Happy Factor?
Happiness has always fascinated me. It has usually been a large part of my general nature throughout my life with periods where it has seriously evaded me usually due to traumas and loss that come with being a human in todays world. There are also those periods where there is a lack of happiness and […]
What is Intuitive Soul Art? by Intuitive Artist Charron Pugsley-Hill
I often get asked about how I create my art? And when I say by intuition and soul and not by planning I frequently get a puzzled face standing before me! My art is created in an intuitive and soul based process that means that I trust myself in front of a canvas to feel […]
Why I buy from Independents and Artists! And why I would like you too……by Peterborough Artist Charron Pugsley-Hill
OK I admit it for most of my life I didn’t get art and I didn’t understand how it could affect my emotions and my moods. I didn’t think about all those people with their small businesses beavering away trying to make a living away from the corporate world despite my dad having his own […]
THE FIRES OF AUTUMN An original painting by Peterborough Nature Artist Charron Pugsley-Hill
When I became Artist-in-Residence at Ferry Meadows Country Park in Peterborough I was grateful for the focus and the space it could create to enable me to develop myself and my art. As a self taught artist I want each project that I undertake to enable me to learn about myself, new techniques, the subjects […]
Creativity with furniture-How to Up-cycle or decoupage your Furniture-Peterborough Artist Charron Pugsley-Hill
Creativity isn’t one thing-it can be many things to many people! If like me you are focusing on one type of art for the majority of your time it is good to take time out and experiment with other techniques or colours or ideas. If you have an old piece of furniture that is looking […]
2016-Be the Authentic YOU!
Every new year millions of people make millions of resolutions or promises to themselves that they will stop smoking, loose weight, be happier, be fitter, do more things, do less things or whatever it is that they feel would be a great thing to vow to do in the 365 days ahead of the new […]
My Vulnerability as an Artist-Charron Pugsley-Hill
Right now I am feeling vulnerable. This doesn’t happen that often and its not an emotion that sits well with me. But it is something that we all feel, some more than others. The following are some of the questions and thoughts that make me vulnerable as an artist. Some of you reading this may […]
Peterborough Artist and the Andy Warhol Inspired Poppy Painting
Little did I know years ago when I painted my dog Poppy, the style of which was inspired by an Andy Warhol dog on a note book that I bought in Edinburgh, that I would go on to paint lots of dogs inspired by my enjoyment of my Poppy painting. Since then I have painted […]