
UNICORN STANDING, Unicorn painting.


This original unicorn painting of a unicorn standing in water in a mystical spiritual place that may be reality or not. It is greatly inspired by the qualities of people who have come into my life recently as I learn about and explore my spirituality in my art. Spirituality can be  defined as the quality […]

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BELLEAU WOOD, Original Painting,

BELLEAU WOOD An original painting in a series by WWI Commemoration Artist Charron Pugsley-Hill

BELLEAU WOOD has been inspired by the first independent action of the Americans in WWI and is part of my series of work commemorating some of the people places and events of WWI, a hundred years on. Visiting the site of such important battle sites especially at the centenary is very emotional and inspirational at […]

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THE LAMENT OF WOMEN An original painting by WWI Commemoration Artist Charron Pugsley-Hill

THE LAMENT OF WOMEN is the latest in my series of art commemorating the people, places and events of WWI a hundred years on. This painting is 60 x 60cm in acrylics, metallics and fine glitters on canvas. In 2016 I was incredibly privileged to meet a lady aged 101 who participated in making a […]

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THE FLOWERS OF EASTON WALLED GARDENS by flower artist Charron Pugsley-Hill

THE FLOWERS OF EASTON WALLED GARDENS An original painting by flower artist Charron Pugsley-Hill

Every year I paint at least one painting inspired by a famous or significant garden and this year has been no exception with 3 paintings inspired by the orchid festival at Kew Gardens and now this painting inspired by Easton Walled Gardens near Grantham. Still to come is a painting following my fifth visit this […]

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PASSCHENDAELE LANDS An original painting by WWI commemoration Artist Charron Pugsley-Hill

1917 saw one of the most iconic battles of World War I at Passchendaele (English spelling ) or Passendale the name now used by the Belgiums today. This battle saw  275,000 men under British command and 220,000 Germans lose their lives in the mud of Flanders with 18,000 bodies believed still to be held in […]

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SYMPHONY OF SPRING, Original Painting, statement art, art for the home, floral art, Intuitive art, colourful flower painting, emotional art

SYMPHONY OF SPRING-An Original Painting by Nature Artist Charron Pugsley-Hill

Spring is a time of newness, of rebirth and new beginnings. A time to bring new energies to the world following the quietness of the winter months.Spring follows winter as growth follows the germination of seed. The colours become fresher and brighter with the new growth of  tree leaves and plants such as bluebells and […]

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THE CONSCRIPT Part of my series of WWI Commemoration Art by Artist Charron Pugsley-Hill

THE CONSCRIPT is an original painting created to commemorate the millions of horses that died in WWI as well as those taken from civilian life to war. This original painting 100 x 100 x 4cm on canvas in acrylics, metallics and fine glitters is part of my series of work commemorating people, places and events […]

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ALONE -A WINTER painting Charron Pugsley-Hill Artist-in-Residence Ferry Meadows Country Park Peterborough

As I focus on my series of art inspired by the seasons and my residency post at Ferry Meadows Country Park and The Nene Park Trust in Peterborough, I am finding such pleasure in the simple things of life. Just walking with my dog in the park on cold winters days with little human company, […]

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THE FIRES OF AUTUMN An original painting by Peterborough Nature Artist Charron Pugsley-Hill

When I became Artist-in-Residence at Ferry Meadows Country Park in Peterborough I was grateful for the focus and the space it could create to enable me to develop myself and my art. As a self taught artist I want each project that I undertake to enable me to learn about myself, new techniques, the subjects […]

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I cannot use enough words to tell you how much I am excited by this Artist in Residence post at Nene Park in Peterborough. As a back story, before I became a wildlife and environmental artist I was a professional wildlife conservationist and for many years my office was situated on the entrance road to […]

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