Nature and Wildlife Celebrating beauty in Art by Nature Artist Charron Pugsley-Hill

Nature and wildlife is everywhere on our planet so it should be no surprise that it is everywhere in art reminding us of how beautiful and incredible the world in which we live is and hopefully will always be. That will of course depend a lot on how we as a species and individuals care for it  but aside from that now and back to the interrelationship between art and wildlife!




Being outside in nature and seeing nature in art both lifts our spirits and fuels our creativity. Nature inspires artists such as myself to create and connect others through our work to a deeper love of the world in which we live and hopefully to enable ourselves and others to become more conscious of our true relationship with nature and wildlife and the landscapes that surround us everyday. This deeper relationship then enables us to come to a greater understanding and desire to care for nature in all places and for all to enjoy.




Nature gives us a whole planet full of ideas to enjoy, to be inspired by and to create beautiful works of art as well as give a deeper spiritual more challenging message about our relationships to the natural world and each other.



Art has included nature from 25,000 B.C. when man painted the animals he saw living around the caves where he lived. Modern art includes nature in many different forms from paintings to land art  and sculptures and all different subjects from the beautiful to the extreme.


Commissioned and now living in Glasgow

For me nature is an intricate part of who I am and what I will create. My art and nature are intricately linked-there is no difference to how each makes me feel. They are my passions-combined together where I find peace, spirituality and a purpose as well as joy happiness and inspiration. It is endless.There is so much to see and not enough time. My art is where I express the feeling and emotional spirit of the depths of nature in all its beauty and cruelty.



I  think too that  it is has been useful to the art that I create that I have a  good understanding of the way nature works on a scientific level( from my previous life as a professional wildlife conservationist)-I can then understand the timings, the relationships and interactions of nature that can then be expressed through emotion into my art. I now look differently on a more emotional  spiritual level that has become an intrinsic part of me.



Every day I go out in nature and feel my body and mind experience the energies of nature and the natural world. I take all this in,I process it in both my mind and more importantly my heart and then a new creation will flow as surely as the wind will blow or the rivers will flow with the rain that falls!

Nature is my passion-the life force that flows within me now and forever and my art is the legacy I leave to the world and the people of the world”

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Go out in nature….

Let your mind and body experience and feel the beauty of nature…

Be still……Be open…..wait……

Look and look again…..

Appreciate that world in front of you……..

Create something…whether its a photograph, a thought, a sketch or a painting-just do something that makes you think a little deeper!

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Most of all just enjoy what you have experienced as each time it will be different and emotions will be changed every time you connect with the true beauty of nature and our amazing planet! Please share what you create as I love to see how people connect with nature in their art.


To see more of my art please visit

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LONDON-A new Original Painting by Peterborough Artist Charron Pugsley-Hill

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