art and nature
THE THREE KINGS, A WALK AND A BED-Peterborough Environmental and Wildlife Artist-Charron Pugsley-Hill
Not all together but on different days in the same week!! It began with Persephone’s Bed Autumn (see previous blog for the story) and me thinking I might get 20 people lying in the bed…..about 80 people laid in the bed with and without the goddess….Why 20 …well often something familiar in a place you […]
I cannot use enough words to tell you how much I am excited by this Artist in Residence post at Nene Park in Peterborough. As a back story, before I became a wildlife and environmental artist I was a professional wildlife conservationist and for many years my office was situated on the entrance road to […]
THE QUEENSGATE SKY OF POPPIES-THE SYMBOLISM AND MEANING by WWI Commemoration and Nature Artist Charron Pugsley-Hill
I met my husband 20 years ago in a beer tent whilst we both took part in the first English Heritage multi- period re-enactment event. I was in an English Civil War group and he was an officer in The Great War Society. My introduction to World War began although to be honest it was […]
PAINTING THE MODERN GARDEN EXHIBITION-Some thoughts from Flower and Garden Artist Charron Pugsley-Hill
As an artist inspired heavily by flowers and gardens it was with excitement and trepidation that walked up the steps of The Royal Academy of Art in London towards the exhibition Painting The Modern Garden Monet to Matisse. The excitement is probably well understood, the trepidation probably less so. When a huge part […]
LONDON-A new Original Painting by Peterborough Artist Charron Pugsley-Hill
London: a bustling glittering place full of energy, new experiences and people to meet. Always something new to see or someone new to meet. This is how I see London! I love going there for the day as a surprise, a treat, for business, for research and to visit family or friends. This is my […]
Nature and Wildlife Celebrating beauty in Art by Nature Artist Charron Pugsley-Hill
Nature and wildlife is everywhere on our planet so it should be no surprise that it is everywhere in art reminding us of how beautiful and incredible the world in which we live is and hopefully will always be. That will of course depend a lot on how we as a species and individuals care […]